Born in jail
Every human being is born inside a cell. A cell of sin or a cell with sin.
The cell is opened, because Jesus Christ came from heaven to open it for us by dying on the cross and getting the key for us. But what the devil does is that he tried to make humans to think and feel like the cell is comfortable and ok and we do not need to come out of it … life inside the cell might actually feel comfortable for a while , but once the time is up the cell closes permanently and there is no way out again . There is nothing nobody can do . And it will be too late, Jesus wants you to come out of that cell, though the cell might seem comfortable the cell is full of evil things : like sickness , poverty, depression , confusion, unsatisfied.. and everything that makes our world to be what it is today. It is because people think it’s ok to be in that cell. Some people says because I was born in the cell and my family was also born in the cell am also going to be there . But No! You have the choice to come out of that cell and be free to be able to do the thing God created you to do. But we can not do those things if and when we are in the cell .
There are also some people that think they are out of the cell but they are still in it , a way to know if you are still in the cell is by seeing the fruit that is coming out of you . Is it aligned with what the Word of God says . And if you are being honest with yourself you will know .
When you are out of the cell of sin that we were born in because of Adam and Eve sin, we will be free of fear , we will be free of sickness and every evil thing . But for us to be able to have this freedom to the full by the time we are out of the cell, we need to know what to do when we come out of the cell.
Some people come out of the cell but due to lack of right information they ended back inside the cell even worse than before .
So you need the right information you need to go to a Bible believing Holy Spirit filled church . Where they will love , teach and educate you .
Come out of the cell of sin before it is too late .. no matter how comfortable it might seem now it can not last and it has only terrible ending .
God bless you .
We also need to understand that out of all the religions Jesus is the only one that said he can bring us out of our cell of sin and proved it by dying and rising from the dead . So other religions might give you the feeling of being out or make you seem like you are free but in reality you are not … so be careful .
If you want to come out say this prayer with me:
“Lord Jesus I accept today that you die and resurrect on the third day for me to be set free out of prison of sin. Forgive me my sin and make me your own son and daughter in Jesus name”.
Congratulations we invite you to worship with us in our worship centre.